Tuesday 3 February 2009

Reliability & Impartiality

Hello once again,

This lesson I taught you all about the importance of using reliable material when writing a persuasive essay, and also the importance of being seen to be impartial.

We discovered that impartiality meant:

•Freedom from bias.
•Weighing both views/opinions equally before coming to your informed decision.
•That you have been fair and open in reaching your conclusion.

In order for you to be truly persuasive in your writing it is important for the reader to believe that you have looked at the argument from both points of view before reaching your decision.


We discussed the dangers of relying solely on Wikipedia for information and were given the following three guidelines for finding reliable information:

Ø Reliable sources (government websites, charities, well known organisations etc.)
Ø Accurate information (does the information seem accurate?)
Ø Up to date information (be wary if it's more than a few years old!)

The information that you use to write your essay must be reliable, or else your essay will be inherently flawed. You wouldn't go for a space walk in an unreliable spacesuit would you?

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