A popular TV series that makes good use of satiric techniques is 'Family Guy'. For your folios you will write a critical essay on 'Family Guy' and its use of satiric techniques. Before analysing an episode in detail however, it is important to gain an understanding of the main characters of the series.
Everyone in the class had watched 'Family Guy' before and the general consensus was that, as a TV series, it was pretty good. So first off we had a little think about the characters and their traits. In your groups you came up with a list of character traits for each of the show's main characters:
- Peter
- Lois
- Brian
- Stewie
- Chris
- Meg
- Quagmire
Follow this link for a list of the characters with associated character traits: http://www.box.net/shared/u3zk5rvr9a
We also tried to think what the purpose was in creating these characters with such character traits and matched up the characters to possible comments on society that could be being made through the characters:http://www.box.net/shared/g4k6ax9n0p
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