Below you will find a link to the powerpoint presentation that I used in class:
Here's a brief summary of the last few scenes of the play:
Scene 12: Gregory is helping Dorothy practice her football skills. She appears on scene immaculately dressed in a track-suit, whereas Gregory is wearing a pair of borrowed shorts. They practice football for a while - Dorothy is brilliant and Gregory is rubbish. At the end of the session Gregory asks Dorothy out on a date and she says "Okay". Amazed at this response Gregory says: "I mean on a kind of date" and asks her to "stop fooling around" when she once again says yes. This shows Gregory's lack of confidence and awarkwardness.
Scene 13: Gregory is getting ready for his big date with Dorothy. Madeline is acting like a mother figure making sure that he is cleaning himself properly and giving him advice on what to do and say on the date. Role reversal with M and G once again rears its ugly head.
Scene 14: This is the final scene of the play. Dorothy stands Gregory up and he is told this by Carol who offers to walk with him to the chip-shop. At the chip-shop Carol passes Gregory across to Margo and then makes a telephone call to Susan. Margo goes for a walk with Gregory and leads him towards where Susan is. We find out that the girls have conspired to set-up Gregory with Susan as she is the one that actually fancies him. Gregory and Susan seem to get along really well together and at the very end of the play they kiss.
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