Saturday, 7 March 2009

"In the year 2525"'ve listened to "Imagine" and created a list of characteristics for your own perfect world. This lesson you leaned about the historical roots of the term "Utopia" - the fact that it first came into usage after Sir Thomas More published his famous fictional account of a journey to the perfect society of the island nation of "Utopia" in the 1500s.

You looked at some quotes from "Utopia" and (as a class)we discussed these quotes and what they meant. The major point that arose from our discussion was the idea of the individual.

You then listened to the lyrics of the (*ahem*) uber-cool "In the year 2525"...

We then discussed these lyrics with regards to "Utopian" society and decided that it was describing the opposite of a utopian society - what is referred to as a dystopian society.

We discussed the lyrics of the song and what we thought they meant. Again the idea of the individual was very important and how the dystopian society referred to in the song seemed to suggest that individuality was absent in a dystopian society.

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